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Graduate Stories

Get an authentic look at what graduates do on the job

  • Graduate stories

Pranathi S

Territory Sales Manager at Ninjacart

Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering

  • Graduate stories

Rakesh Raju

HR Intern at Ninjacart

Master of Management (Human Resource Management) at Rabindranath Tagore University

Essential advice

Must read articles for anyone applying for graduate jobs in India or abroad.
How to craft the perfect CV for internships & graduate jobs
Learn how to write a CV that showcases your skills, achievements, and personality, and impresses potential employers in …
What to wear to a graduate job interview
It can be difficult gauging what the dress code for a job interview is. Luckily, we’re here to help.
Establishing strong professional relationships as a graduate
As you start your graduate program, be sure to establish strong professional relationships – here are tips on how to do …

Latest Insights

The latest career advice, delivered fresh to you
How to answer technical questions in an IT job interview
Technical questions are, for many graduates, the most intimidating part of any IT job interview. Here are some tips to h…
13 types of graduate jobs in the tech industry
You’ve finished your IT degree, so what happens next? Here are 13 jobs you might find yourself in as a graduate.
10 essential skills for graduates in tech
If you’re planning a career in IT, here are some of the skills that will help you stand out from the crowd.
What is the tech industry?
From Shazam to Spotify to that slick new Tesla you'll own one day, tech is all around us. Here's an intro into what it m…